

Speak to a
Medicare Professional

Review Medicare Plans Now Includes Part D Prescription Drugs, dental, vision, and rides to approved locations!

$0 cost for most services in IL, MI and IN

Did you know Medicare Advantage is a plan option offered by Medicare?


  • Hospital and Medical Care
  • Prescriptions Drugs
  • Dental and Vision
  • Wellness programs
  • Transportation and TeleHealth Services

Medicare Advantage can assist you with getting additional coverage such as:

Hospital Care (Part A)

Limit on out-of-pocket cost

Dental Coverage

$2500 max towards dental: cleanings, extractions, partials, dentures, and more


Receive a debit card, replenished quarterly, to be used at select stores and pharmacies or to your door using the mail order option.

Medical Care (Part B)

$0 copay on PCP visits

Routine Vision Care

Routine eye exams & glasses


$0 copay for trips and rides to approved locations!

Prescription Drugs (Part D)

Reduced cost for insulin and coverage for most generics
in the Coverage Gap

Wellness Programs

Gym membership and Weight Watchers program

TeleHealth Services

$0 for access to doctors via phone and/or video technology